
Tag Archives: Fragile States Index 2015

Press Release: Fragile States Index 2015 Released

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 2015 Fragile States Index Released: South Sudan most fragile state for second year in a row; Finland remains at best position; Ukraine, Russia, Syria, Libya, and Mali worsen; Cuba, Georgia, Portugal, and Zimbabwe make gains. WASHINGTON, D.C. – As the Fund for Peace (FFP) releases its eleventh annual 2015 Fragile States Index, […]

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Springtime for Castro and Cuba; Winter for Ukraine and Libya

BY J.J. MESSNER AND HANNAH BLYTH South Sudan has topped the Fragile States Index for the second year in succession, as the country continues to be wracked by internal conflict, fractious politics, and poverty. South Sudan is joined at the most fragile end of the Index by countries that have long struggled, such as Somalia, […]

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Fragile States Index 2015: The Book

BY J. J. MESSNER, NATE HAKEN, PATRICIA TAFT, HANNAH BLYTH, KENDALL LAWRENCE, SEBASTIAN PAVLOU, FELIPE UMAÑA The Fragile States Index, produced by The Fund for Peace, is a critical tool in highlighting not only the normal pressures that all states experience, but also in identifying when those pressures are pushing a state towards the brink […]

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