
Tag Archives: Ghana VPs

Voluntary Principles in Ghana Update: July-September 2016

BY J.J. MESSNER AND HANNAH BLYTH Using the information shared in the local dialogues, the July 2016 roundtable provided a forum for representatives from the four regions to voice concerns and issues at a national level. It also represented an important opportunity for different communities, government stakeholders and mining, oil and gas companies to connect […]

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Voluntary Principles in Ghana National Roundtable: July 2016

BY J.J. MESSNER AND HANNAH BLYTH* On the 28th July, 2016 the Fund For Peace (FFP) in partnership with the West Africa Network for Peace Building-Ghana (WANEP-Ghana), staged the first national VPs Roundtable in Accra. Staged as part of a program funded by the U.S. Department of State, this roundtable follows a series of local […]

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Voluntary Principles in Ghana Update: April-June 2016

BY J.J. MESSNER AND HANNAH BLYTH FFP and WANEP-Ghana delivered local dialogues to discuss VPs-related issues in mining, and oil/gas affected communities. A total of 73 participants took part across the four regions including the Minerals Commission, the Ghana Police Service, Ghana Navy, the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), traditional leadership, companies, […]

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Voluntary Principles in Ghana Update: January-March 2016

BY J.J. MESSNER AND HANNAH BLYTH* The first local dialogue was held on February 22 in Bolgatanga, Upper East region. The dialogue, led by WANEP-Ghana, was attended by stakeholders including the Ghana Police Service, the Commission on Human Rights and Administrative Justice (CHRAJ), Traditional leadership, the Shanxii Mining Company, small scale mining groups, the Talensi […]

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Voluntary Principles in Ghana Update: October-December 2015

BY J.J. MESSNER AND HANNAH BLYTH In December 2015, FFP and WANEP-Ghana delivered local training workshops in Bolgatanga, Upper East Region, and Takoradi, Western Region. Both trainings focused on sensitizing the VPs initiative and guidelines, as well as introducing ways to mitigate conflict through available grievance mechanisms, and promoting peacebuilding and conflict early warning in […]

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Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights in Ghana

BY J.J. MESSNER AND HANNAH BLYTH With the government of Ghana announcing in 2014 that it would sign onto the VPs initiative as the first African nation to do so, it is now in the stages developing a VPs National Action Plan. Working with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau for Democracy, Rights and Labor, […]

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