
Tag Archives: Mali

Stability in the Sahel Region Will Require More Than Just Counter-Terrorism

BY CHRISTINA MURPHY The deaths of four U.S. soldiers in a remote region of Niger in October 2017 suddenly brought the Sahel region of West Africa to the attention of the American public and lawmakers, many of whom were previously unaware of there being any American military engagement in the region. The soldiers and their […]

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Most Worsened Country for 2013: Mali

BY SEBASTIAN PAVLOU 2012 saw Mali’s embroilment in a series of compounding political, security and humanitarian crises. An armed conflict has broken out in northern Mali since January 16, 2012 involving several insurgent groups rebelling against the Malian government for the independence of the northern region of Azawad. Further complications arose when Malian soldiers, dissatisfied […]

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Anatomy of a Storm: Regional Impacts of the Arab Spring

BY NATE HAKEN Does state failure matter? Obviously it matters mostly for the population of that country, but even for its neighbors, the answer is a resounding yes. Chaos in a single country can often impact an entire region. In 2011, as measured in the 2012 FSI, Tunisia and the wider “Arab Spring” were the […]

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