
Tag Archives: Terrorism

Remembering Nigeria’s Women and Girls on International Women’s Day

BY PATRICIA TAFT AND HANNAH BLYTH As we come together to celebrate International Women’s Day, we are reminded there are still many areas of the world where women and children face violence and insecurity. In Nigeria, sexual abuse and violence perpetrated against women and children remains prevalent in communities throughout the country.

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Impacts of Violence on Women and Girls in Kaduna

BY PATRICIA TAFT, HANNAH BLYTH AND CHRISTINA MURPHY Women and girls are often the targets — either directly or caught in the crossfire — of this inter-communal conflict. They also bear the brunt of economic pressures through displacement, livelihood and property destruction, or loss of household breadwinners as a result of the violence. In their […]

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Insurgency Defectors: Dangers and Deradicalization Processes

BY SARAH SILVERMAN The continuous contemporary news cycle alerts us daily to the mass violence and destruction carried out by radical and extreme violent insurgent groups, and the far reaching flow on effects. Groups such as the self-proclaimed Islamic State (ISIS) in the Middle East, Boko Haram in West Africa, and al-Shabab in East Africa, […]

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The Rising Trend of Female Suicide Bombers in Nigeria

BY ANIA SKINNER Jamāʻat Ahl as-Sunnahlid-daʻwa wal-Jihād (JAS), known widely as Boko Haram, has employed suicide bombers as a terrorist tactic in their insurgency against the Nigerian government since 2011. As of mid-2014, however, reports began to emerge of an alarming new dimension: the use of young women and girls in suicide missions. The first […]

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Violence Affecting Women & Girls Quarterly Report 3

BY PATRICIA TAFT* The following report summarizes the main findings from data collection and analysis for the November 2014 to January 2015 period. The number of overall incidents and fatalities reported in 2014 across the eight target states shows the highest levels of violence since 2009. While types of violence vary across states and time […]

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Conflict Bulletin: Borno State – May 2014

BY PATRICIA TAFT AND NATE HAKEN Borno State, the location of the April 2014 abduction of nearly 300 school girls, is at the heart of what has been called the “Boko Haram” insurgency. The insurgency, perpetrated by a militant group called Jamāʻat Ahl as-Sunnah lid-daʻwa wal-Jihād (JAS), began in 2009 as a mass uprising against […]

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Nigeria: Beyond Terror and Militants

BY NATE HAKEN, FILIPA CARREIRA, ELIZAVETA EGOROVA, RACHEL HERSH Not every explosion in northern Nigeria stems from the radicalism of Boko Haram. Nor is every outbreak of violence in the Niger Delta the result of militants fighting over oil revenues. Rather, violence in its different forms is an expression of a broader and deeper fabric […]

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